Are you finding that your brand new iPhone 15 is becoming uncomfortably warm, than a state of the art device? You're not the one dealing with this issue. A lot of users have expressed their worries regarding the iPhone 15 getting excessively hot, to an extent when touched. In this article we'll discuss this issue explore the reasons, behind it and offer some practical solutions to help keep your iPhone 15 cool.

What's Causing the iPhone 15 Overheating Issue?

The iPhone 15, like the models is a robust and feature rich device. However, its performance capabilities can sometimes lead to overheating. Here are some common reasons behind this problem:

  • Resource-Intensive Apps: Running demanding applications or games for extended periods can cause the phone's processor to work at full capacity, generating excess heat.
  • Software Bugs: Software glitches or bugs in the iOS can also lead to overheating. Apple regularly releases updates to address these issues.
  • Environmental Factors: High ambient temperatures, direct sunlight exposure, or using the device while it's charging can exacerbate overheating.
  • Background Processes: Background apps and processes can continue to run even when you're not using your phone, contributing to overheating.

How to Prevent Your iPhone 15 from Overheating

Now that we've identified some potential causes, let's explore how to prevent your iPhone 15 from turning into a hotplate:

  • Close Unused Apps: Regularly close apps running in the background to reduce the strain on your phone's CPU.
  • Update iOS: Ensure that your device is running the version of iOS so that you can benefit from bug fixes and improvements, in performance.
  • Limit Resource-Intensive Tasks: Avoid running resource-intensive apps for prolonged periods, especially in hot conditions.
  • Keep It Cool: It's advisable to use your phone in an area that has shade and good ventilation. Also try to refrain from using it while its plugged in and charging.
  • Restart Your Phone: Occasionally, restarting your iPhone can help clear background processes and resolve overheating.


Is iPhone 15 overheating a common issue?

While not everyone experiences this problem, a significant number of iPhone 15 users have reported overheating concerns.

Should I be concerned about overheating damaging my phone?

Overheating can potentially harm your device and reduce its lifespan. It's best to address the issue promptly.

Can using a case worsen overheating?

Some cases may trap heat, so consider using a case designed for heat dissipation or removing it when your phone gets hot.


The iPhone 15 is definitely a piece of technology. It isn't completely immune, to overheating problems. By following the suggestions mentioned earlier you can take steps to prevent your device from getting uncomfortably hot. If the issue persists you may consider contacting Apple Support or visiting an Apple Store for assistance. Remember it's important to address issues so that your iPhone 15 can continue functioning at its best without becoming excessively hot. Keep cool. Enjoy your iPhone experience!